Master of Applied Geospatial Information Systems and Technologies

This student handbook lists and describes the most important policies and guidelines (both formal and informal) that govern student participation in the UCLA Master of Applied Geospatial Information Systems and Technologies (MAGIST) program. Please read the entirety of this document thoroughly; we recommend reviewing it at the beginning of each course that you complete as it is an evolving document.

This document is likely to grow significantly throughout the 2024-2025 academic year. Please review quarterly for changes.

CURRENT REVISION:  Winter 2025 (last revised November 12, 2024)

The MAGIST Program

The MAGIST program is designed to provide working professionals with the necessary theoretical foundations and methodological training in the professional use and application of geographic information systems (GIS) and geospatial technology.  Students are prepared for careers in geospatial data analysis, geospatial data management and databases, and geospatial computer programming. Students will take courses in applied spatial analysis, data management, and GIS-related computer programming techniques.

Students must complete nine four-unit courses (or equivalent) and a capstone project, which must include an original analysis of spatial data and/or development of geospatial research methods or tools. Courses must be chosen at professional graduate level (numbered 400 or higher) from the Department of Geography.  Courses outside the Department of Geography’s MAGIST-specific 400 series cannot be used to satisfy the requirements of this program.  All courses must be passed with a grade of B- or better and students must maintain an overall grade-point average of 3.0 or better.

All required courses will be offered in an asynchronous fully online learning environment.

MAGIST Curriculum

The MAGIST program is characterized by having a fixed curriculum with a predictable annual course schedule. Given that MAGIST uses a fixed curriculum, MAGIST students are not able to enroll in courses offered by other programs or departments. Students from outside the MAGIST program are not able to enroll in MAGIST courses, which means that MAGIST students are guaranteed a space in any MAGIST course in which they would like to enroll.

MAGIST courses are offered once per year in the same quarter every year. Following is the annual course schedule (see next section for course descriptions):

Fall Quarters: GEOG 401, GEOG 410, GEOG 411
Winter Quarters: GEOG 412, GEOG 413, GEOG 498
Spring Quarters: GEOG 414, GEOG 415, GEOG 499

Course Descriptions

GEOG 401: Applied Geospatial Data Science (Required), Units 4

This course is a project-based exploration of essential methods and techniques in GIS with a focus on modeling, spatial analysis and geoprocessing, spatial data manipulation, geocomputation, and data visualization.  Students apply advanced spatial analysis and data visualization methods to solving real-world problems and answering geographic research questions.  Topics include interpolation, network analysis, surface analysis, cost distance analysis, automation, and model development.

GEOG 410: Geospatial Databases and Data Management (Required), Units 4

This course provides advanced instruction in theory and methods associated with geospatial data management and spatial databases.  Students learn essential database design theories and techniques, and popular data management tools interoperability methods are introduced.  Students also learn to engineer and administer enterprise spatially enabled relational database management systems.

GEOG 411: Geospatial Imagery Analysis (Required), Units 4

This course offers instruction in advanced programmatic image processing and analysis operations applicable to remotely sensed (satellite and aerial platforms) geographic data. Students learn to build multi-step image analysis processes, and other specific techniques covered in the course include classification, filtering, change detection, spatial modeling, image correction, and terrain analysis.

GEOG 412: Programming for Geospatial Data Science I (Required), Units 4

This course provides conceptual and practical instruction in the use of scripting, automation, and computer programming within the geospatial sciences.  Students use the Python programming language to develop data geospatial processing scripts and applications, making use of popular geospatial data manipulation libraries.  Computer programming concepts and theory are introduced in a practical context.  Basic familiarity with computer programming concepts and the Python programming language is highly recommended.

GEOG 413: Applied Geospatial Statistics (Required), Units 4

This course introduces the concepts and techniques fundamental to spatial statistics and the analysis and visualization of data with a geographic dimension. Beginning with the course’s introduction to statistical computing and tabular data processing and analysis techniques, students learn to apply common spatial analysis methods in a practical context. Essential concepts in spatial statistics are emphasized, including spatial relationships, spatial autocorrelation analysis, cluster analysis, spatial regression analysis, point pattern analysis, and space-time modeling.

GEOG 414: Programming for Geospatial Data Science II (Required), Units 4

This course provides an introduction to the technologies and techniques that support the growing field of interactive Web-based GIS and mapping.  Students learn the theory and concepts underlying this rapidly growing field and applied training is provided in Web map design, development, and programming.  Students learn to develop sophisticated interactive Web maps and applications both by using existing Web mapping platforms and also by coding custom Web maps integrating HTML, CSS, the JavaScript programming language, and Web mapping code libraries.

GEOG 415: Geospatial Data Science Futures (Required), Units 4

This course introduces students to essential theories and methods related to the use of cloud-based (remote) GIS data servers and services.  Students learn to organize data and create visualizations using existing cloud-based GIS services, as well as construct customized cloud GIS data servers and services.  Training in essential GIS server administration techniques is provided, and techniques for working with server operating systems are also introduced.

GEOG 498: Capstone I – Geospatial Research Methods (Required), Units 4

The purpose of this course is to (1) provide instruction in core research design techniques and geospatial technology research methods; (2) provide a structured environment for students to propose and begin a capstone project; and (3) ensure the appropriate and ethical application of geospatial methods and technology. Projects should be original analyses of geospatial data that solve a pressing problem, optionally developed conjunction with an industry partner.

GEOG 499: Capstone II – Geospatial Capstone Project (Required), Units 4

Restrictions: Completion of GEOG 498 required; faculty advisor consent required

The purpose of this course is to facilitate completion of the program’s required capstone research project.  Students meet weekly with faculty advisor to discuss progress, learn technical writing skills, and chart goals for timely completion of the project.  Successful completion and approval of the capstone project is required for satisfactory completion of this course.

Capstone Project

A capstone research project will be required of all students. The capstone project must consist of an original written analysis that solves a real-world problem or advances existing knowledge and techniques in geospatial science and technology. The capstone project will be supervised by a faculty advisor, who will serve as the instructor of record for the capstone project courses as well as the chair of an advising committee consisting of the faculty advisor and at least two additional members appointed by the Department of Geography.  The faculty advisor and the members of the advising committee will evaluate the capstone project in the context of a project rubric approved by the advising committee to ensure the methodological integrity and satisfactory completion of the project. In the event that the capstone project is conducted involving an industry partner or any entity outside UCLA, the external partner will not formally supervise student work, and the student’s work with the industry partner as it pertains to the capstone project will not in any way be construed as an employment arrangement or internship.  All evaluation and assessment of the capstone project will be conducted by academic advisors and advising committees.

To prepare for completion of capstone research projects, all students will take a project management and research methods seminar (GEOG 498). The methods seminar will cover all aspects of writing and preparing a professional geospatial analysis project such as: project management, defining a research topic; developing an analysis plan; understanding ethical considerations behind the use of geospatial data and technology; problem-solving; and, technical writing.

Time to Degree

The normative time-to-degree is three quarters.  The maximum time-to-degree will be nine academic quarters (three calendar years).  This maximum is established keeping in mind the slowest possible timeline to completion (one course per quarter; nine quarters total).  It is expected that students who enroll full-time will be able to complete the program in the specified normative time; students who enroll part-time may take as few as one course per quarter while enrolled.

Contact List

Dr. Sierra Burkhart – Academic Director
Contact:, Canvas messaging, Slack

Brian Zimmerman – Student Advisor

Policies and Procedures

Standards and Procedures for Graduate Study at UCLA

All students are expected to be familiar with and abide by the UCLA Division of Graduate Education’s policies and procedures for graduate study at UCLA. Institutional policies govern your participation in MAGIST and it is essential that you understand your responsibilities as a UCLA graduate student.

Further details on University rules and regulations mentioned in the sections throughout this manual may be found in the Standards and Procedures for Graduate Study at UCLA on the Division of Graduate Education website:

This essential booklet provides detailed information and sets forth general policies, many of which emanate from the Academic Senate and its Graduate Council, regarding completion of degree requirements and more. General regulations concerning graduate courses, standards of scholarship, disqualification, appeal, leave of absence, normal progress toward degree,
withdrawal, and a number of other matters are included.

Communication Guidelines and Expectations

Given that MAGIST is an online degree program

Course Enrollment

Every quarter while enrolled in the MAGIST program, students will take between one and three classes. These courses must be from the Department of Geography’s MAGIST-specific GEOG 400 series of courses; MAGIST students are not eligible to enroll in courses outside the program, just as students in other programs are not eligible to register for MAGIST courses.

Students will complete a course registration form every quarter when it is circulated by program staff or faculty. MAGIST follows slightly different enrollment procedures than most UCLA programs due to the fact that the program’s courses are restricted only to MAGIST students. A link to the enrollment form is circulated via email between one and two months in advance of a coming academic term. Students are expected to watch the email account that they have officially registered with UCLA for all notifications related to course registration.

Any changes to your study list after completing this form should be directed via email to the Student Advisor. After the course registration form has been completed by all students, the Student Advisor will circulate Permission to Enroll (PTE) numbers which will allow you to formally register for your courses on MyUCLA.

MAGIST program leadership and faculty advisors are not responsible for any consequences imposed upon students who fail to complete the program’s required course registration procedures in a timely fashion, provided that students are given timely notice of their obligation to enroll. These consequences may include, but are not limited to, additional fees imposed by the University, substantive additional paperwork to complete, and/or possible lapse of student status and presumptive withdrawal from the University. Students receiving any type of fellowship or scholarship will have their award reduced by $500 for any term in which they fail to complete course registration in accordance with deadlines specified by the MAGIST program, the Division of Graduate Education, or the Registrar’s Office.

GEOG 401: Applied Geospatial Data Science is considered to be the gateway course to the program, and it is recommended that students complete GEOG 401 in their first quarter as a MAGIST student. Students starting MAGIST in the Winter or Spring quarters should complete GEOG 401 in their first Fall quarter.

Standards of Scholarship

UCLA requires at least a B (3.0) average in all courses taken in graduate status at the University and in all courses applied toward advanced degrees. A student is considered on probationary status and subject to dismissal if the cumulative scholarship in all work attempted in graduate status falls below a B (3.0), or if the student’s work in any two consecutive terms falls below a B (3.0) average. In courses graded on an S/U basis, the grade of S (satisfactory) is awarded for work that would otherwise receive a B or better. Grades S and U are not included in calculating grade-point averages. Students should avoid receiving “I” (Incomplete) grades whenever possible. Incomplete grades automatically lapse to an “F” if the coursework is not completed by the end of the subsequent quarter (i.e. for an “I” in the Spring, students have until the end of the Fall).

Continuous Enrollment for MAGIST Students

Graduate students at UCLA are required to be continuously enrolled during academic year quarters (Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters — Summer is excluded) from matriculation to completion of the program.

Given that the MAGIST offers a fixed curriculum, students may encounter quarters in which they have already completed all of the MAGIST courses offered that quarter. In this event, students should contact program leadership to request a PTE number to enroll in GEOG 499 with a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grading basis. Enrolling in GEOG 499 with a S/U grading basis allows students to maintain their student standing and satisfy their continuous enrollment obligation to the University. No formal coursework will be assigned when taking GEOG 499 on a S/U grading basis, and a credit equal to the tuition for the course will be added to the student’s BruinBill account to ensure that this enrollment comes at no direct cost to the student. Students are still responsible for paying required student services fees every quarter. Students who fail to register for GEOG 499 with a S/U grading basis following deadlines specified by MAGIST program leadership and advisors will have their tuition/fee credit reduced by $500.

Academic Advising

MAGIST students are encouraged, and in some cases required, to meet periodically with an academic advisor. Students are required to meet with their assigned advisor for an intake advising appointment during their first quarter of enrollment in MAGIST. The primary objectives of the intake advising appointment are to (1) develop an enrollment plan outlining when students intend to take each of the required MAGIST courses, and (2) address any questions that students have about getting started as a MAGIST student. Students will not be allowed to register for classes n their second quarter of enrollment unless their intake advising appointment has been completed. Questions about advising appointments, including scheduling requests, should be directed to Brian Zimmerman, MAGIST’s student advisor (

Spring Review of Graduate Students

The Department of Geography has a long-standing tradition of conducting an annual review of the progress made by continuing graduate students. Beginning in the 2022-23 academic year, the MAGIST program’s student advising committee (composed of program faculty and leadership) will conduct a formal review of student progress every Spring quarter.

Students will be evaluated on the basis of their (1) timeliness in completion of MAGIST coursework and degree requirements, (2) academic achievement in coursework, and (3) for students who have completed GEOG 498, progress toward completion of the capstone project. For the purposes of the Spring Review, students are considered to be timely in their completion of coursework and degree requirements as long as they are satisfactorily completing at least one course each quarter.

Within the Spring Review, students will be assigned a designation of “favorable”, “with reservations”, or “unfavorable” depending on the outcome of the committee’s evaluation. A designation of “favorable” indicates that the committee believes the student to be making sufficient progress toward completion of the MAGIST program’s requirements. A designation of “with reservations” indicates that the advising committee has concerns about at least one aspect of the criteria by which students are evaluated. The student will be informed of the specific concerns that the committee has about the student’s progress or achievement. A designation of “unfavorable” indicates that members of the advising committee have serious concerns about a student’s progress and/or achievement. Students who receive this designation will be expected to (1) work with an advisor to develop a realistic plan for completion of the program and (2) meet regularly with an advisor to ensure that adequate progress is being made. Students who receive a designation of “unfavorable” two years in a row are subject to dismissal.

Students can expect to be informed of the results of the Spring Review by the end of Week 5 every Spring quarter. Students will be informed of the designation they have received as well as any concerns or commendations that the advising committee noted.

Leave of Absence

Graduate students in good standing (GPA > 3.0) may be granted leaves of absence (LOA) on approval from the Department and the Graduate Division. International students must first consult with the Office of International Students and Scholars ( Students must discuss their reasons for requesting leaves and receive permission from their faculty advisor. Students may only take an LOA for a maximum of 3 quarters and only for the following reasons: Outside employment, Medical, Parental obligations, Other family obligations, Military, Emergency, Financial hardship. The Leave of Absence Request form must be submitted to the Student Affairs Officer by the end of the first week of the quarter in which the leave is to begin. Students on an LOA are not eligible to receive University financial support, or have access to certain University services. Students are not supposed to be carrying out any University business, even conducting research. Students on leave may wish to purchase a library card. Graduate students who fail to register and enroll for a quarter and who do not take an official LOA are considered to have withdrawn (considered lapsed status) from the University and must compete for readmission with other

Graduation and Commencement

In their final term of the MAGIST program, students must complete a Petition for Advancement to Candidacy. MAGIST students must complete this form and submit it to MAGIST advisor Brian Zimmerman ( no later than the end of Week 2 of the term they plan to graduate. This ensures that the Graduate Division is aware of a student’s plans to graduate. Award of degree will be significantly delayed and additional fees may be incurred if the Petition for Advancement to Candidacy is not submitted, or if it is submitted behind schedule.

MAGIST students are cordially invited to participate in both an online graduation ceremony for the MAGIST program, as well as the Department of Geography’s on-campus commencement ceremony. Annual commencement ceremonies are conducted following the end of each academic year in mid-June. The Department of Geography’s in-person commencement ceremony is typically held on the Saturday morning following Finals Week in the courtyard behind Powell Library. Details about graduation will be announced in the months and weeks prior to the end of the academic year.